Effects of spasticity
Spasticity may have effects on extremities:
- Bent elbow and arm pressed against the chest.
- Stiffness in arms, fingers.
- Tight fist.
- Stiffness in legs or knees.
- Pointed foot - Curled toes.
Patients treated for spasticity are advised to be seen by a multidisciplinary team. In addition to your doctor there are usually of the following specialties:
A type of doctor specializing in the treatment of disorders in the nervous system, many of whom specialize in conditions caused by disease or injury.
A healthcare professional who will assist you through a number of exercises. A physical therapist can help stretch your muscles and improve their strength.
A healthcare professional who will help you adapt your physical environment. They will also help you improve your ability to perform daily activities.
What are the goals and expectations when managing spasticity?
The aim of healthcare professionals is to help the patient live as normal as possible by reducing the negative outcomes of spasticity and live more independently by:
Clenched fists or curled toes can be difficult to clean.
Ideally, you want to participate in daily activities with limited pain from spasms or difficulty moving
Managing the ability to relax muscles and lessen painful spasms.
Improving movement and the use of affected limbs after therapy is a common goal of spasticity treatment.